Supported Vagrant commands

The Skytap provider creates and controls Skytap environments using standard Vagrant commands.

Most commands can be applied to either the entire environment or select VMs within the environment.

For example

  • To delete the environment, use: vagrant destroy
  • To delete two VMs from the environment, specify the VM names: vagrant destroy vm1 vm2

Vagrant Command

Skytap Action

vagrant destroy [<vm_name>]

Delete an environment or VM.

vagrant global-status

Check the status of all environments you’re using through Vagrant, including VMs from other providers.

vagrant halt [<vm_name>]

Shut down an environment or VM.

If the machine doesn’t shut down within five minutes, it’s forcibly powered off.

vagrant halt [<vm_name>] --force

Forcibly power off an environment or VM.

vagrant help

Get help information about Vagrant settings.

vagrant publish-url create [<vm_name>, <vm_name>]

Share an environment via the Skytap UI. If you don’t explicitly set a password option, Vagrant prompts for a password.

If a sharing portal already exists, vagrant publish-url create doesn’t create a new one (though you can create additional sharing portals in the Skytap UI).

vagrant publish-url create [<vm_name>, <vm_name>] --password [**password**]

Share an environment via the Skytap UI with the password you specify.

vagrant publish-url create [<vm_name>, <vm_name>] --no-password

Share an environment via the Skytap UI without using a password (the environment can be used by anyone).

vagrant publish-url delete

Delete the sharing portal. Users can no longer access the environment through the URL.

If an environment uses multiple sharing portals, vagrant publish-url delete deletes all of them.

vagrant publish-url delete --force

Delete the sharing portal. Users can no longer access the environment through the URL.

The same as vagrant publish-url delete but without confirmation.

vagrant publish-url show

Show the sharing portal, the VMs included, and whether the URL is password-protected.

Though it’s not possible to create more than one sharing portal from Vagrant, if an environment has multiple sharing portals (that you created from the Skytap interface), vagrant publish-url show displays all of them.

vagrant reload [<vm_name>]

Shut down and then run an environment or VM; this is equivalent to using vagrant halt and then vagrant up.

The environment or VM is created or updated based on the latest Vagrantfile settings.

This command doesn’t trigger the “reset” action available through the Skytap UI and API.

vagrant resume [<vm_name>]

Run a suspended or shut down environment or VM.

vagrant ssh <vm_name>

Begin an SSH session with a VM.

vagrant ssh-config [<vm_name>]

Generate an OpenSSH configuration file based on the VM settings.

vagrant status [<vm_name>]

Check the power state of an environment or VM.

vagrant suspend [<vm_name>]

Suspend an environment or VM.

vagrant up [<vm_name>]

Create or update an environment based on the Vagrantfile settings. The environment runs once it’s created or updated. For more information about using a Vagrantfile with Skytap, see Creating a Vagrantfile.


  • When the first VM is created, a Skytap environment is created. When the last VM in an environment is deleted, that environment is also deleted.
  • Changes to hardware settings of an existing VM take effect when the VM is being powered on; that is, when doing vagrant reload, or vagrant up when the machine is halted.