Course Manager Reporting

Course Manager administrators can generate CSV Comma-Separated Values – A text file that uses the comma (,) character to delimit between values. CSV files can import directly into a worksheet application, such as Microsoft Excel. reports to see details about Course Manager usage.

To generate reports in Course Manager
  1. Click Admin > Reports. The Download CSV Report page displays.
  2. Select at least one option for Report contents.

    The available options depend on which features are enabled for your Course Manager account.

  3. Select an option for Report scope:

    • All Time.
    • Month/Year (and select a month).
  4. Click Download CSV and save the file to your local computer.

Course Manager Report Fields


  • The report fields available in the CSV report depend on which features are enabled for your Course Manager account and which type of report you generate.
  • All report dates and times are displayed in UTC.
Field Description
type The Course Manager object type.
id A unique identifier for the Course Manager object.
course_name The name of the course.
course_identifier The identifier for the course.
region_name The name of the Skytap region where the resource is hosted.
user_identifier A unique identifier for the user, typically an email address.
user_url The URL of the Skytap sharing portal.
skytap_configuration_skytap_id A unique identifier for the environment.
skytap_configuration_created_at_utc The date and time that the environment was created.
discarded_at_utc The date and time that the Course Manager object was deleted.
tag_names Any tag names assigned to the event or lab.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
event_name The name of the event.
user_first_name The first name of the event participant.
user_last_name The last name of the event participant.
user_passcode The passcode that the event participant used to access the event.
event_created_at_utc The date and time that the event was created.
event_start_at_utc The date and time that the event started.
event_end_at_utc The date and time that the event ended.
explicit_end_at_utc The date and time that the event participant ended the event.
subscriber_type Currently unused.
subscriber_email The email address of the Course Manager subscriber. Empty if the subscriber workflow isn’t enabled.
course_manual_last_visited_page The last page the lab end user visited in the Manual.
course_manual_last_completed_page The last page the lab end user marked done in the Manual.
course_manual_page_count The number of pages in the lab end user’s Manual.
last_action_at The date and time of the lab end user’s last activity in the Learning Console.
integration The name of the integration used for on-demand lab creation.
consumed_at_utc The date and time that an expired Course Manager lab was deleted.
skytap_object_skytap_id A unique identifier for the Skytap object.
skytap_object_type The type of the associated object in Skytap.
event_integration_[field_name] Custom event fields for the Course Manager account.
integration_[field_name] Custom event participant and on-demand lab fields for the Course Manager account.
snapshot_name The name of the snapshot.
svm_started_at The date and time that the environment was first started in Skytap.
svm_ended_at The date and time that the environment was last stopped in Skytap.
storage_started_at The date and time that a Skytap resource first used storage.
storage_ended_at The date and time that a Skytap resource last used storage.
svm_hours_in_period x86 RAM hours used by the resource.
svm_power_hours_in_period Power RAM hours used by the resource.
gb_hours_in_period GB-hours of storage used by the resource.
skytap_object_name The name of the associated object in Skytap.
skytap_resource_owner The Skytap user account that owns the resource.