Managing departments

Departments allow you to model company departments, business units, or project teams within Skytap. With department monitoring and limits, you can:

  • Create usage limits to cap the amount of storage, RAM hours, or concurrent RAM that department users can consume; this can guarantee that Skytap resources remain available to critical departments.
  • Create usage reports to track and charge-back usage by each department.

Each user can belong to one department.

Your company account can have up to 100 departments.


Creating a department

To create a department
  1. Click Manage > Departments.

    Manage > Department

    The Departments page displays.

    department index

  2. Click New Department.
  3. The New Department page displays. Enter a Department Name.

    New Department Page

  4. Optionally type a department Description.

  5. Set usage limits for Storage (choose GB or TB), RAM hours, Concurrent VMs, and/or Concurrent RAM. To set no limit, select Use max. When Use max is selected, the department can use up to the account limit for the billing period; the account limit is displayed in the Max: field. To learn more about limits, see Usage limits overview.

  6. Click Create Department.
  7. Departments are empty when you create them. To add the first set of users, click Add Users. empty department

  8. The Manage Department Users window displays all of the users in your account. You can filter this list or use the Search bar to find individual users. To add a user, click the Add button to the left of their name. manage department users

    The current department for a user (if any) is displayed to the right of the user name. Adding a user who is already in a department moves the user out of an existing department into the new one.

  9. Click Done.

Editing departments

Adding users to departments

There is no limit to the number of users a department can have. However, each user can belong to only a single department.

To add users
  1. Navigate to the Departments details page.

    Department Details page

  2. Click Add Users.
  3. The Manage Department Users window displays all of the users in your account. You can filter this list or use the Search bar to find individual users. To add a user, click Add to the left of the user’s name.


    The current department for a user (if any) is displayed to the right of the user name. Adding a user who is already in a department moves the user out of an existing department into the new one.

  4. Click Done.

Removing users from departments

To remove a single user from a department
  1. Navigate to the Departments details page.

    Department Details page

  2. Click edit department Edit Department to the right of the user name
  3. In the Edit Department window, reassign the user to a different department or select None (Not Assigned to a Department).
To remove multiple users from a department
  1. Navigate to the Departments details page.

    Department Details page

  2. Click select Select. Edit Department Users
  3. Select the users you want to remove.
  4. Click Change Department.
  5. In the Edit Department window, reassign the users to a different department or select None (Not Assigned to a Department).

Editing department usage limits

See Setting department usage limits.

Running reports on departments

For instructions about how to generate department reports, see Generating department reports.

Deleting a department

Before you delete a department, you must remove all of its users (either by assigning them to a different department, or by assigning them to no department). For instructions, see Removing users from departments.

To delete a department
  1. Navigate to Manage > Departments.
  2. Click options (More options) next to the department you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Department. delete department