Moving a VM to another environment

Though Skytap doesn’t allow you to directly move resources from one environment to another, you can accomplish the same thing by adding a resource to the destination environment, and then deleting it from the source environment.

Add the resources to the destination environment

  1. Open the destination environment.
  2. Click Add resources (Add resources). The Add resources screen displays. Add resources from Environments or Templates
  3. Click the Environments tab.
  4. Select the source environment, and then select the resources you want to move.
  5. Click Add resources Add resources. The VM is added to the destination environment.

Remove the VM from the source environment

  1. Open the source environment.
  2. At the bottom of the VM tile click Delete (Delete). The VM is deleted from the source environment.

    Deleting a VM from an environment is permanent. You can’t recover a deleted VM.

    delete vm