Viewing the network topology for an environment

The Network Topology tab provides a visual map of the networks and VM network connections in the environment.


Network Topology overview

example topology

  1. The name, subnet, and subnet size for each network, along with the VMs connected to that network.
  2. Connections to Skytap VPNs or Private Network Connections.
  3. VMs that are connected to the public Internet (via a public IP address or published service).
  4. VMs that aren’t connected to any networks.
  5. Connections to networks in other environments (via ICNR; see Networking between environments).


  • Networks with more than 500 total connections or with a very large number of VMs may not display correctly. For a more comprehensive view, see the environment Network settings page.
  • VMs with more than 10 connections (any combination of network adapters, published services, or public IP addresses) may not display correctly. For a more comprehensive view, see the VM Network adapters page.

Editing network settings

In addition to viewing the network configuration for an environment, you can click elements in this view to edit both VM and network settings.

To edit VM or network settings
  • Click a network to change network settings for the environment.
  • Click a VM to change its network adapter settings.

How to access the Network Topology tab

To access the Network Topology tab
  1. From the navigation bar, click Environments.
  2. Click the Environments tab. This displays a list of environments you have access to. environment index
  3. (Optional) Use filter, search, or sort options to find the environment you want to work with.
  4. Click the name of the environment. The Environment details page displays. Environment Details page
  5. Click the Network Topology tab.