Adding a shared template to your account

Administrators in another account can share a template with you by sending you a template sharing link. Template sharing links are single-use links that allow you to download a copy of the template from another account to your own account.

To add a shared template to your account

An administrator in another account sent you an email with a shared template link. Here’s how you add that template to your account.

  1. Click the shared template link to open it in a browser.

    If your Skytap account uses Single Sign-On (SSO), sign in to Skytap before you click a shared template link.

  2. The Copy a shared template dialog displays.

    Copy a shared template dialog

  3. Select the Destination Region from the list of regions enabled in your account.


  4. Click Copy.

    The template is copied to your account.


    • After you've copied a template to your account, the template sharing link is no longer available.
    • If the copy process fails with the error, "This template was shared from a region your account can't access," contact the person who shared the template with you and provide a list of regions you can access.