Overview of Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software on Skytap VMs

You can install Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software to enable HA/DR support for IBM i VMs in Skytap on Azure. Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software support requires two IBM i VMs: a production or source VM and a backup or target VM. Assure MIMIX™ Software replicates data between the production and backup VMs and allows these roles to be reversed so that the backup VM becomes the production VM. The software includes three major components:

  • Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software – Provides IBM i data replication.
  • Precisely License Manager – Manages Precisely product installations, license keys and product level security.
  • Precisely Assure Unified Interface (AUI) – Displays a Assure MIMIX™ Software web interface server.

Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software topologies

The Assure MIMIX™ Software package currently supports configurations of two or more IBM i nodes, at least one of which is a Skytap VM. Supported configurations include a completely new instance of Assure MIMIX™ Software, an Assure MIMIX™ Software instance that has been transferred to Skytap VMs, or a hybrid configuration that includes a mixture of Skytap VMs and on-premises IBM i LPARs. More information about these supported topologies is included below.

New Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software instance on Skytap VMs

In a new Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software instance, Assure MIMIX™ Software is installed on a Skytap production VM and a Skytap backup/DR VM where no Assure MIMIX™ Software installation existed previously. Customer applications may or may not be already installed on the production VM. A default Assure MIMIX™ Software configuration based on system replication best practices is created to replicate common operating system level elements. You’ll need to define additional configuration to replicate customer application data.

To install Assure MIMIX™ Software, see Installing Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software on Skytap VMs.

Migrated Assure MIMIX™ Software instance moved to Skytap VMs

If you have previously migrated an IBM i LPAR with a billed instance of Assure MIMIX™ Software from your on-premises datacenter into Skytap, don’t check the Enable Assure MIMIX™ Software for IBM i checkbox. Doing so could cause you to be double-billed for this instance of Assure MIMIX™ Software

In an existing, on-premises Assure MIMIX™ Software instance moved to Skytap VMs, Assure MIMIX™ Software has been previously installed and configured to replicate applications on one or two non-Skytap LPARs and have been transferred to Skytap VMs. The Skytap MIMIX installation process retains the configuration and adjusts it with the following additional best practices to establish communication:

  • Both systems set to Assure MIMIX™ Software management (*MGT) systems.
  • Assure MIMIX™ Software Data Protection Reports (DPR) enabled on both production and backup systems.
  • Transfer definitions updated to the specified host and port names.
  • Secure sockets (TLS/SSL) used for AUI connections.

Make sure that the same version of Assure MIMIX™ Software is installed on both source and target systems.

Hybrid installation

A hybrid installation of Assure MIMIX™ Software is one that establishes an HA/DR relationship between a Skytap VM and a non-Skytap VM.

You can create a hybrid installation in one of two ways:

  • Install Assure MIMIX™ Software on a new Skytap node and specify a *MGT node from an existing Assure MIMIX™ Software configuration, which automatically adds the new Skytap VM to the existing Assure MIMIX™ Software configuration.
  • Add a new installation of Assure MIMIX™ Software to an existing Skytap VM that you then manually add to a Assure MIMIX™ Software configuration with other nodes.

Make sure that the same version of Assure MIMIX™ Software is installed on both source and target systems.

Skytap may support other topologies in the future. If your implementation plans do not meet the supported topologies mentioned above, please contact your next level of support.

Assure MIMIX™ Software license keys

The Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software on Skytap package includes Assure MIMIX™ Software license keys, which you typically won’t have to manage for Assure MIMIX™ Software enabled on Skytap VMs. These keys will work in the Skytap IBM i environment even if the VMs are moved. However, you must enable HA/DR support on the Skytap VM for Assure MIMIX™ Software to run. Assure MIMIX™ Software license keys will refresh automatically if the Skytap HA/DR support is still enabled. Nodes that aren’t Skytap VMs or that aren’t enabled for Assure MIMIX™ Software in the Skytap configuration must have keys provided by Precisely.

Precisely Assure MIMIX™ Software billing

Assure MIMIX™ Software billing is based on Entitled Capacity per month.

Monthly is the only billing option for Assure MIMIX™ Software. Hourly billing is not available.