Transferring files to a VM

Skytap allows you to upload and share multiple file types with a virtual machine, including applications to be installed, software patches, builds, or data files.


Supported file sharing methods

The easiest way to move files on and off your VMs is to use the Assets page, a private file repository available in your Skytap account at

Other ways to transfer files to and from a VM

AIX LPARs in Skytap can’t mount ISO files from the Assets library. You can transfer ISO files to the LPAR using FTP, SCP, or Rsync, and then mount and read the ISO from the LPAR.

If the VM is connected to a VPN, or if the VM has an open port on the public Internet (from a published service or public IP address), you may be able to copy files to the VM using direct RDP or secure copy over SSH.

The VM must be running an SSH or RDP server, and the operating system firewall must allow for incoming connections over the SSH or RDP port. For more information, see Accessing VMs with SSH or Accessing VMs with direct RDP.