Understanding regions
Skytap operates multiple data centers, allowing Skytap resources—such as virtual machines, environments, templates, and assets—to be located close to your users. Each of these data centers is referred to as a region.
Skytap regions are independently hosted in separate data centers. Some Skytap resources (like environments, templates, or assets) are contained within a single region, while others (like users, departments, and projects) are shared across your entire account. For more information, see Overview: Regional and global elements in your account below.
Your account may have access to one or more regions. If you need access to additional regions, contact your primary account administrator.
The current Skytap regions are:
Skytap region name | API name | Provider | Provider region | Geographic location |
APAC-2 | sng1r1 | IBM Cloud | SNG01 | Singapore, SGP |
AU-Sydney-M-1 | sym1r1 | Microsoft Azure | Australia East | Sydney, AUS |
CAN-Toronto | tor1r1 | IBM Cloud | TOR01 | Toronto, CAN |
CN-HongKong-M-1 | hkm1r1 | Microsoft Azure | East Asia | Hong Kong, CN |
DE-Frankfurt-I-1 | fri1r1 | IBM Cloud | FRA04 | Frankfurt, DE |
EMEA | lon1r1 | IBM Cloud | LON02 | London, UK |
IE-Dublin-M-1 | dbm1r1 | Microsoft Azure | North Europe | Dublin, IE |
IN-Pune-M-1 | pnm1r1 | Microsoft Azure | Central India | Pune, IN |
NL-Amsterdam-M-1 | amm1r1 | Microsoft Azure | West Europe | Amsterdam, NL |
SG-Singapore-M-1 | sgm1r1 | Microsoft Azure | Southeast Asia | Singapore, SGP |
UK-London-M-1 | ldm1r1 | Microsoft Azure | UK South | London, UK |
US-Central | dal1r1 | IBM Cloud | DAL09 | Dallas, TX, USA |
US-East-2 | wdb1r1 | IBM Cloud | WDC04 | Ashburn, VA, USA |
US-Texas-M-1 | txm1r1 | Microsoft Azure | South Central US | San Antonio, TX, USA |
US-Virginia-M-1 | vam1r1 | Microsoft Azure | East US | Ashburn, VA, USA |
US-Virginia-M-2 | vgm1r1 | Microsoft Azure | East US | Ashburn, VA, USA |
US-West | tuk1r1 | Skytap | Tukwila, WA, USA |
Overview: Regional and global elements in your account
Every feature and resource in Skytap can be placed into one of two categories:
- Global elements – exist across the entire account and apply equally to all regions (such as users and projects).
Regional elements – are contained within a single region, and must be created or configured separately if they are to exist in more than one region (such as environments, templates, and assets).
You can’t change the region for a regional element, but you can copy it to another region.
Regional resources and features
- Environments and templates
Each environment and template is associated with a single region. The networks and VMs in the environment or template are also associated with that region.
To work with an environment or template in multiple regions, create a copy of the environment or template for each region. See Copying an environment or template between regions.
- Any environments created from a template reside in the same region as the template. Similarly, any templates created from an environment reside in the same region as the environment. These can later be copied to other regions, if needed.
- Public templates are available in multiple regions; they have already been copied between regions for you.
- Assets – Assets exist in a single region. You must specify the asset’s region when uploading the asset, as detailed in Adding and sharing Files with the assets page. By placing an asset in a closer geographic region, you can improve its download speed. Additionally, ISOs can only be mounted when a VM and asset are in the same region.
- Published services – The URL and endpoints for a published service differ for each region. For a list of published service URLs, see the list of IP addresses and port ranges used by Skytap.
- Public IP addresses – Public IP addresses are associated with a specific region. Public IP addresses are allocated on a per-region basis, so you may use up your allotment of public IP addresses in one region while still having unused public IP addresses available in another.
- Sharing portals – Each sharing portal has a unique URL associated with a specific environment. If an environment with a sharing portal is copied to a new region, Skytap creates a new sharing portal URL for the copy of the environment in the new region.
- Inter-Configuration Network Routing (ICNR) – ICNR can be used to connect networks on environments in the same region; ICNR can’t be used to connect environments in different regions. To securely connect environments running in separate Skytap regions over the Internet, you can use two regional VPN endpoints that are themselves connected.
- WANs – VPNs and Private Network Connections are region-specific within Skytap. A VPN or Private Network Connection can be connected only to Skytap environments and VMs in the same region. Regardless of their region, VPNs and Private Network Connections can be connected to any external network. Two Skytap WANs, one in each region, can be used to securely connect environments running in separate regions.
Global resources and features
Not all Skytap elements are regional. The following elements are universal, and don’t have a region designation.
- Customer account – Your customer account is shared between all regions, so your company doesn’t need separate accounts for each region. Consequently, all account-wide settings (such as auto-suspend defaults and security policies) are applied to all regions.
- Users, groups, and departments – User accounts, user groups, and departments are shared across regions. Users have access to all regions that are enabled at the account level. Projects may be used to control user access to region-specific templates.
- Projects – Projects can contain resources from different regions (for instance, a template from US-West and a template from US-East-2).
Usage limits
The following resource types are tracked globally for your account:
- VMs (max concurrent)
- Metered RAM hours (x86 The most common CPU architecture. x86 CPUs support Windows and Linux VMs in Skytap. )
- Metered RAM hours (Power A CPU architecture that supports IBM i, AIX, and Linux (on Power) in Skytap. )
The following resource types are tracked by region:
- Storage
- Concurrent Metered RAM (x86)
- Concurrent Metered RAM (Power)
- Public IP addresses
- Networks
This means that the Metered RAM and storage usage for an environment or template is charged against the usage limit for the region where the environment or template resides.
Administrators can view current usage for the account from the Setting usage limits and viewing usage page.
- If Power VMs aren't enabled for your account, Metered RAM hours (Power) and Concurrent Metered RAM (Power) aren't displayed.
- If regional limits haven't yet been enabled for your account, Storage, Public IP addresses, and Networks are managed globally for your account.
Testing your latency to different Skytap regions
To quickly check your network latency to different Skytap regions, use the Connectivity Checker tool.
Copying an environment or template between regions
To use an environment or template in multiple regions, make a copy for each region. These copies exist independently of one another.
For instructions, see:
Other helpful links
- To view or change the region that is selected by default when you create environments, import VMs, upload assets, and more, see Changing the default region for your user account.
- To filter a list of environments or template by region, see Filtering a list of environments or Filtering a list of templates.
- To view the IP addresses, port ranges, and hostnames used by Skytap services in each region, see What IP addresses and port ranges does Skytap use?
- (Administrators) To monitor usage limits by region, see Setting usage limits and viewing usage and Setting up usage notification emails.